Off-Grid Solar Power Systems

Be completely self-reliant with battery storage powered by your solar power system

An Off-Grid System is when you are not connected to the grid, completely self-reliant.
This could be because you wish not to connect to the grid, the cost of connecting to the grid is above what you agree with or that the area you live in simply means you don’t have an option.

In this instance, we work with you to establish what sort of power you require in the home and design a system to suit your requirements and your budget.

For us to understand how much power you require to be provided by your Off-Grid System, we need to understand what items/appliances you wish to use, how often you wish to use them and how much power they draw.

We can work this out in the initial consultation or you can think about this in more detail prior to the consultation by working with the attached forms.

An Off-Grid Solar Power System is made to provide all the power your home requires without having to draw from the grid. This can be achieved by having panels, an inverter (or 2) and batteries in your set up or to reduce the inverter and battery establishment costs, a generator can be worked into the initial calculations.


TFA Solar is happy to help you understand how an Off-Grid Solar Power System can help provide you with all the power you need to live off the grid. 

Give us a call on (08) 8390 0096 or fill in the contact form below.

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