Retro-Fit Battery Systems

Add a battery system to your existing solar power system


You’re existing system could be an On-Grid system, a Battery- ready, or an established Battery system, that was installed a few years ago and you want to add a battery to it.

However, retrofitting a battery isn’t as easy as adding a battery to a battery-ready system, its more similar to installing a seperate system. We say that as the minimum equipment needed to retrofit a battery is the battery itself and a hybrid inverter. From there, you could also add panels to give more power to the house.

A Retro-Fit Battery System will function in tandem with the existing system, with the new inverter to control the energy flow to & from a new battery.
As a new inverter will be installed, more panels can also be added and managed by this inverter, to the retro-fit battery system.

This system will function similarly to the hybrid system; the panels on of your existing system will produce power during the day and prioritise powering the home first. While any excess power is then stored in the new batteries rather than exported to the grid.

Only once the batteries are fully charged will any excess power be exported to the grid. If extra panels are installed, they will prioritise charging the battery first, while providing power to the house if needed.
Once the batteries are charged, it will start exporting to the grid.


If you are interested in adding to your existing system, give us a call on (08) 8390 0096 or fill in the contact for below and we can design a system that will suit you best.

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